Stories of war and peace: A recap of turmoils and calms during the first two decades of the 21st century in Assam


When we were young we used to get scared of the word pulis (Police). No, we were not any gangsters or local trouble making goons. We were scared because we were very simple folks without any connection with either ‘bad people’ or ‘good people’. It was the year 2001 and I was a six-year-old who […]

Stories of war and peace: A recap of turmoils and calms during the first two decades of the 21st century in Assam Read More »

Quest to find relevance after 35 years – Assam Movement, an observation

Anti CAA Protest

The Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2019 came into force on 10 January 2020 (Signed by the President of India on 12 December 2019). It was during those days that Assam saw another violent uprising against the said Bill. Although the central and state governments promised that there was no need to worry, the people of Assam

Quest to find relevance after 35 years – Assam Movement, an observation Read More »

Rohingya people: A peek into the history of the world’s most persecuted minority

"Rohingya children playing at a UNICEF child friendly space, supported by UK aid, inside Batukhali refugee camp in Bangladesh" by DFID - UK Department for International Development is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The Rohingya people are stateless Indo-Aryan people from the Rakhine state of Myanmar. However, the Government of Myanmar does not recognize them as citizens. They are rather accorded the status of illegal immigrants from neighbouring Bangladesh albeit they have been living in Myanmar for centuries. As reported in the Independent, ‘At least 10,000 members of

Rohingya people: A peek into the history of the world’s most persecuted minority Read More »

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