The Fungi Menace

Mushrooms on a branch

Fungi as a separate kingdom of life were classified merely 5 decades ago, i.e. in 1969 when the American plant ecologist Robert Whittaker proposed his five-kingdom system of classification of the biota. Before that, fungi were considered low-level plants. The separation of fungi came into existence when scientists saw that the nutritional mechanisms of fungi

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Rise of the leader in Jawaharlal Nehru

Nehru and Gandhi in 1942

“In bravery, he is not to be surpassed. Who can excel him in the love of country? He is rash and impetuous, say some — and if he has the dash and rashness of a warrior, he also has the prudence of a statesman — he is pure as a crystal, he is truthful beyond suspicion. He is a knight sans peur, sans reproche – the nation is safe in his hands.”

– Mahatma Gandhi

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